Mojoprint — Full color printing in Japan with native English support

Canvas prints

Canvas prints

Photo gifts for friends and family

These direct-print canvases make perfect gifts. Printed directly onto ready-made stretched canvas frames.

We offer two types - square and rectangle sizes.

Square sizes, are a hefty 37mm thick and 100% polyester canvas. The canvas is attached at the back of the frame with staples.

Rectangular sizes, are 100% hemp canvas and 18mm thick. The canvas is attached to the sides of the frame with round tacks.

Prices are per design.

Note that your design cannot be printed on the sides with this type of ready-made canvas. For canvas prints that wrap around the edges, see our Canvas panels pro.

Product specs
Hemp or polyester canvas
4 business days
Square 200 (W200×H200×D37mm) , Square 250 (W250×H250×D37mm) , Square 300 (W300×H300×D37mm) , Square 400 (W400×H400×D37mm) , F6 (W410×H318×D18mm) , F8 (W455×H380×D18mm) , F10 (W530×H455×D18mm) , F12 (W606×H500×D18mm) , F15 (W652×H530×D18mm) , F20 (W727×H606×D18mm)